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Low Light Shoot

  • 16 Nov 2024
  • 13:00 - 20:00
All shooters: Read attached Instructions - prepare and act accordingly.
RSO's & Chairs: Read the attached RSO instructions - prepare and act accordingly.

Time schedule:
  • 1245 - Chair-RSO (including 2 I/Cs) & Duty RSO Brief - inside of Club-House - all Chair-RSOs/ Duty RSOs must participate.
  • 1300 - Event and Range Safety Brief (outside the Club House) - all Chair-RSOs/ Duty RSOs/ Shooters must participate.
  • 1315 - Individual Range-Briefs by the Discipline Chairs (Archery/Trap/Dynamic HG/Dynamic Rifle).
  • 1315 - Individual Range Brief at HG1 and MPR2 - these Ranges are open to ALL Club Members who want to shoot and are NOT taking part in an organized event such as  (Archery/Trap/Dynamic HG/Dynamic Rifle).
  • 1330 - 1630-ish - Day-Light shooting for organized events; anyone shooting in Low-Light MUST shoot during day-light hours (the same program/targets as in the Low-Light)- no exceptions granted.
  • 1330 - 1630-ish - Day-Light shooting for HG1 and MPR2; anyone shooting in Low-Light MUST shoot during day-lite hours (the same program/targets as in the Low-Light); - no exceptions granted.
  • 1645 - All ranges illuminated including RSO's wearing blue & red glowsticks.
  • 1645 - LLS Range Safety Brief by Chief RSO to all personnel.
  • 1700 - Red Light ONLY on the entire Lease in effect. Lease gate is manned = no more vehicles coming onto the Lease (white light issue) you can park outside the Lease-Gate and walk in.
  • 1700 - LLS Range-Safety-Brief at individual Ranges.
  • 1700 - 1959 - LLS. (Last shot fired 1959L).
  • TBD - 1959 - White weapon lights / headlamps will be permitted once red light portion is complete, on individual ranges.
  • 2000 - Case all guns & store in vehicle.
  • 2005 - White Light and clean-up.
  • 2030 - BBQ fires up and social starts (adult beverages permitted).
  • 2200 - Shut-down.

  • All personnel (spectators included) must have a RED-lite source in their possession:
  • Shooters Red Lite headlamp is mandatory - as both hands are required to operate the gun safely;
  • Spectators any Red Lite source will do (Hand held etc);
  • Tracer rounds are allowed;
  • Organized-discipline-shooters: can participate in more than 1 discipline, but must also participate in those disciplines during day-lite shoot in order to be eligible for LLS;
  • Non-organized shooters can participate in both - HG1 & MPR2 - but must also participate in both Ranges during day-lite shoot in order to be eligible for LLS;

BBQ - following the LLS:
  • Bring your own meat for the BBQ.
  • Bring your own adult beverage of choice - alcohol is good-2-go once the Chief RSO has closed the live fire for the day;

This will be a challenging event to experience Low Light Shooting. Hopefully the BBQ following will be an event full of fun, laughter and a memory-making-social-get-together experience.

Download the following:

Low Light Instructions
Low Light Chair & DRSO Instructions
Low Light Itinerary - Instructions For Participants

©2024-2030 Kananaskis Gun & Archery Club.

The Kananaskis Gun Club is an Alberta registered non-profit society.

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