RSO Lease key swap & Membership renewal.
Location: Exshaw Legion. Google Maps Link Please note: start/end times will be accurately observed. Processing will not commence prior to 1730L, and will not continue past 1900L. Items required for renewal
Items required for key swap:
FAQ Q: Do I need (2) separate copies of the front/back scan of my PAL? A: No! We no longer require copies of your PAL. Your declaration is on the Lease Key Agreement.
Q: Can I renew online prior to the key swap? A: Yes! Online renewals can be completed prior to the key swap. KGAC Executives present will have an updated list of all completed online renewals, so you will not have to bring proof of your online renewal. You can still pay by cash / cheque / Interac / e-Transfer even if renewing online.
©2024-2030 Kananaskis Gun & Archery Club.
The Kananaskis Gun Club is an Alberta registered non-profit society.